
In a time of growth the problem we are facing is where to find the best employees to provide the best care to our customers. On the other hand when faced with a crisis in the market we feel the need to minimize the cost of our business. Many times these are the cost of personnel. Few companies stop to think about how to make better use of their already existing capacity. An increase in the efficiency always decreases cost, even if it would only be proportionally, without the need of downsizing. An efficient worker will produce more products that being cheaper can be sold easier even in a stagnating market. An efficient sales person will steal away more business from the competition to bring home to the company.

In the world of IT the modern term to use is virtualization. The idea is to use the capital you already own and the people as well as power you already have in order to decrease the cost of operations and project planned. However virtualization is possible outside as well as without the IT. Take for example a school kitchen that usually only operates for about 4 to 6 hours a day. Still the space, the tools and the energy are being used and occupied for 24 hours a day. Space, tools and energy that could be otherwise used to produce products, to be sold elsewhere using little resources creating bigger benefits. There is room for virtualization in every organization whether private or public, of space, tools and most important of human potential.

Many of these opportunities at your organization are internally known. The management knows them and you can ask your own employees about them. Efficient planning of meetings and meeting-rooms will decrease the cost of energy needed to light, heat or cool these spaces. Even better, holding an on-line meeting will put away with extra space requirements and energy all together and you can make more effective use of your time than spending it on moving away from and to your office. Employees working from home do not use any energy from the company at all and are at work always on time. Unused tools and equipment as well as space rented out can present an opportunity of an alternative income to the company. Incorporating your non-sales personnel into your sales channels using just simple training will increase the income of your organization. All these are activities, which enable you to generate more business with little or no extra cost and therefore more profit. There is no need to lie to our self as for what it means to be a social company and a social society as it is only such, that creates sufficient profit to cower the needs of not only its owners, but also such that provides for its employees well enough to motivate them to achieve the best performance and at the same time contributes to the prosperity of the business environment and the society in which it operates.

Increase the income without a limit. Decrease the cost in a way that will not limit You, your employees, or damage the environment or community in which you operate, but most of all: Be more efficient. Your employees will be your biggest help on this track. Just ask them. Afterwards, If you look for still more ways to achieve higher efficiency, we will be there to support you with our experience and consulting in efficiency improvement in process management and project management on projects ranging from the banking industry with respect to SWIFT, IT, logistics, telecommunications as well as foreign trade.

We will help you find more suitable solutions as well as savings in:

  • Energy management,
  • Supplier relations,
  • Internal processes,
  • Sales channels and marketing,
That will not only increase your profit and the value of your organization, but the value of your brand in the eyes of your clients and in the eyes of the community in which you do your business as well.


update 26.06.2009